Friday, June 22, 2012


Decided to go on a journey of learning, starting back to the basics, anatomy, colors, lightning and such. As a result, i have far more sculpts and drawing that i ever had in a long time. Anyway, not everything is showable as it's some learning stuff.

Had to put all that on hold since i was going on vacations to see my parents, and as those are over tomorrow, I wanted to do a little portrait training.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Whilelmina the Starseeker

 Quite a bit of time since i posted anything....ANYTHING here but things are pretty hectic for me these times (a whole lot of work :D) so i'm not working on my personal stuff much.
Anyway, I finished the highpoly version of Whilelmina, so here it is :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kim Yu

Just a little something I did when I went to a salon in Ales. Feels so good to draw something again !

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back from the dead

Hello everybody !

It sure has been a helluva long time since I post anything new, but there's a reason : I found a job, and I moved out of Paris and back to Nimes !

So far i'm working in an Indie Game studio, called Galhmac Games Studio. We're working like beast on our game called Exodus, a old-school 2D platformer, metroidvania style !

Be sure to check it at :

So I wasn't able to work for myself alot, but still hanging in ! Here is 2 pieces I'm working on right now : first is a female bust, which I'll probably sculpt to the utmost tiniest details, because...why not !

The second is called the big beast, or Whilelmina. The basemesh was provided by my awesome friend Chokmah (dude's a beast himself) and i did the concepting and sculpting ! I hope you'll enjoy it !

See you soon !